Conference Presentations
Miller, R.O., Maznevski, M.L., & Konrad, A.M. (2024). Communion then Agency: Women’s Ascension to the Hospital CEO Role. Paper presented at the Academy of Management 2024 Conference.
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Miller, R.O., Konrad, A.M., & Maznevski, M.L. (2023). The Ascension Processes of Women CEOs in the Hospital System. In Konrad, A.M., Diversity in Elite Leadership: Global Effects, New Outcome Variables, and Deep Dives Into Processes. Symposium contribution presented at the Academy of Management 2023 Conference.
Boston, Massachusetts, United States
Seijts, G., de Clercy, C., & Miller, R.O. (2022) Character and Trust in Crisis Leadership. Poster presented at the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology 2022 Conference. Seattle, Washington, United States
Mohan, G., Seijts, G., & Miller, R. O. (2022) Does Leader Character Have a Gender? Poster presented at the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology 2022 Conference. Seattle, Washington, United States
Miller, R.O., & Campbell, B. (2018, June). Risk and Protective Factors to Underemployment among recent University Graduates. Poster presented at the 29th International Congress of Applied Psychology. Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Miller, R.O., & Campbell, B. (2018, May). Personal and Organizational Costs of Underemployment among Recent University Graduates. Poster presented at the 7th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference in Psychology. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Miller, R.O., & Powell, D.M. (2017, June) Investigating the influence of vocal cues on appraisals of interviewee anxiety and performance. Poster presented at the 78th Annual Canadian Psychological Association Conference. Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Cassidy, S., Lech, O. E., McCurrach, C. W., Miller, R. O., Zaroski, O.V.,& Gill, H (2017, June) Making the most of your virtual team: A thematic analysis of effective and maladaptive virtual team processes in rich- and lean-media environments. Poster presented at the 78th Annual Canadian Psychological Association Conference
Toronto, Ontario, Canada